
McCulloch Nerve Root Retractor Angled 90 Degree 6mm – Neuro Surgical Instrument (RI-1-1146)

McCulloch Nerve Root Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly utilized in neurosurgery, specifically during procedures involving the manipulation and retraction of spinal nerve roots. Named after the esteemed neurosurgeon Dr. Robert F. Love, this instrument boasts a delicate design with a slender, curved blade and a comfortable handle. Surgeons rely on the Love Nerve Root Retractor to carefully and precisely maneuver nerve roots during intricate surgeries, such as microdiscectomies or spinal decompressions. Its primary function is to provide the necessary visibility and access to the surgical area while minimizing any trauma to the sensitive nerve structures. The Love Nerve Root Retractor is indispensable for preserving nerve function and patient well-being, making it an essential tool for neurosurgeons dedicated to addressing spinal issues and alleviating neurological symptoms with the utmost precision.