Different Types of Surgical Forceps According to Their Use


Surgical forceps are indispensable tools in the realm of medicine, designed to provide surgeons with a firm and precise grip on tissues, vessels, or other delicate structures during surgical procedures. These instruments come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, each tailored to specific tasks. In this comprehensive blog post, we will discuss the diverse types of surgical forceps, categorized according to their use, and elucidate their unique features and applications.

1- Hemostatic Forceps

Kelly Hemostatic Forceps: These forceps have serrated jaws and a ratcheted locking mechanism near the finger loops. They are primarily used for clamping blood vessels to control bleeding during surgery. Kelly forceps come in various lengths, with curved and straight options.

Mosquito Hemostatic Forceps: Mosquito forceps are smaller hemostatic forceps with delicate, serrated jaws. They are ideal for fine and precise hemostasis, particularly in delicate areas.

2- Tissue Grasping Forceps

Adson Tissue Forceps: Adson forceps have small, delicate teeth at the tips of their jaws, making them suitable for grasping delicate tissues like skin, subcutaneous tissue, or fascia. They are often used in plastic surgery and dermatology procedures.

Brown-Adson Tissue Forceps: Brown-Adson forceps are an adaptation of Adson forceps with finer teeth. They are used for more delicate tissue manipulation.

3- Needle Holders

Mathieu Needle Holder: These needle holders have a slender design with a ratcheted locking mechanism. They are commonly used for suturing during procedures involving delicate tissues like the eye or hand.

Crile-Wood Needle Holder: Crile-Wood needle holders have a more robust design, making them suitable for suturing tougher tissues. They feature a ratcheted locking mechanism and serrated jaws for a secure grip on needles.

4- Dressing Forceps

Dressing Forceps: Dressing forceps are versatile instruments with fine tips and non-serrated jaws. They are used for holding and placing dressings, sutures, or other small items during wound care or minor procedures.

5- Splinter Forceps

Splinter Forceps: Splinter forceps, also known as fine-point forceps or mosquito forceps, have extremely fine tips for precision in removing splinters, foreign bodies, or other small objects embedded in the skin.

6- Towel Forceps

Backhaus Towel Forceps: Backhaus towel forceps have sharp, pointed tips and a ratcheted locking mechanism. They are used to secure drapes or towels to the patient’s skin, preventing them from slipping during surgery.

Jones Towel Forceps: Jones towel forceps are similar to Backhaus forceps but have curved tips, providing a better grip on towels or drapes in certain positions.

7- Organ Grasping Forceps

Babcock Grasping Forceps: Babcock forceps have a unique design with smooth, atraumatic jaws that are ideal for grasping delicate organs or tissues without causing damage. They are commonly used in abdominal surgeries.

Allis Tissue Forceps: Allis forceps feature multiple interlocking teeth on their jaws, offering a secure grip on tissues or organs. They are used for grasping and holding tough or thick tissues.

8- Splenic Forceps

Rochester-Pean Forceps: Rochester-Pean forceps have a robust, serrated design with a locking mechanism. They are used for clamping and occluding blood vessels or tissues, particularly in orthopedic and vascular procedures.

Rochester-Ochsner Forceps: Rochester-Ochsner forceps are similar to Rochester-Pean forceps but have delicate serrations, making them suitable for clamping smaller vessels or tissues.

9- Vessel Clamps

Halsted Mosquito Vessel Clamp: Halsted mosquito clamps are small, delicate clamps with serrated jaws. They are designed for clamping small blood vessels or tissues in fine surgeries.

Crile Hemostatic Clamp: Crile hemostatic clamps are heavier and have a locking mechanism for clamping larger vessels. They are commonly used in general surgery and vascular procedures.

10- Biopsy Forceps

Punch Biopsy Forceps: Punch biopsy forceps have a circular or oval shape and sharp edges. They are used for taking tissue samples or biopsies during diagnostic procedures.

11- Grasping and Retrieval Forceps

Stone Grasping Forceps: Stone grasping forceps have serrated jaws designed to firmly grasp and retrieve stones or foreign objects from within the body, typically in urological or gastrointestinal procedures.

Basket Retrieval Forceps: Basket retrieval forceps have a basket-like structure at the tip that can be expanded to capture and retrieve objects such as gallstones or foreign bodies from the body’s cavities.

12- Tenaculum Forceps

Tenaculum Forceps: Tenaculum forceps have a hooked or pointed tip and are used for holding or manipulating tissues or structures during procedures like cervical or vaginal surgeries.

13- Obstetrical Forceps

Simpson Obstetrical Forceps: Simpson obstetrical forceps have curved blades with rounded ends, designed to facilitate the delivery of a baby’s head during childbirth.

Elliot Obstetrical Forceps: Elliot obstetrical forceps are straighter and longer, used in cases where a baby’s head needs to be rotated during delivery.

About Rigor Instruments

High-quality surgical instruments are essential to the success of any procedure, no matter how straightforward or difficult it may be for the patient, and this is where Rigor Instruments can help you.

Rigor is a second-generation surgical instruments manufacturer and surgical instruments supplier from Sialkot Pakistan providing best quality in all kinds of Surgical Instruments since 1985. Our surgical instruments include electro surgical instruments, neuro surgical instruments, plastic surgery instruments, dental surgical instruments, retractors, forceps surgical instruments, general surgical instruments, ophthalmic surgical instruments, ENT surgical instruments and many more.

Our exquisite quality and competitive pricing has given us great competitive advantage in the global surgical instruments market. Our ambition is to become a leader in international market in all Surgical Instruments.